Websites notify users about cookies primarily because it’s a legal requirement. In many countries, regulations mandate that website operators inform users about the use of cookies. Typically, websites display a Privacy Policy and/or a Cookies Policy detailing how cookies are utilized.

Moreover, in some regions, websites must obtain user consent before setting cookies on their device. As a result, you’ll often encounter a “cookie banner” or “cookie notice” when visiting websites.

Join us on our blog as we explore the reasons behind cookie notifications, the laws governing them, and how they impact your online experience. Let’s dive into the legal landscape and shed light on this important aspect of web browsing.

Here’s an example,

However, why are cookies subject to this legal framework? Because cookies can reveal personal information about you, they are subject to legal regulation.

We explore the reasons behind cookie notifications, the laws governing them, and how they impact your online experience in future posts.

By Sahithi

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