
  1.  CookieYes: This plugin is installed to add cookies to my website to get user’s consent and generated privacy policy with the same. 
  2. Elementor: This is used to edit, style and design my web pages, posts and categories. 
  3. Tidio Chat: This is a live chat bot plug in which is added to my website so that user’s can ask queries.
  4. User Registration: This plugin is used to create a registration form where the entries are in auto approval and auto login state
  5. WP forms Lite: This is used to create subscribe form and contact form 
  6. Yoast SEO: This plugin is for search engine optimization 
  7. Site Kit by Google: This is for the google analytics where we can access our GA dashboard


  • Sidebar widget:  A sticky sidebar widget is added to all the pages except home page. This widget shows a search bar, categories of the posts, and year’s of the posts that are published so that users can easily filter by their preference. 
  • Featured Slider: This slider is available on the top of the home page and blog page where all the posts available will be scrolling through.
  • Related Posts: This widget is available at the end of every post which suggests a related post with same category that user is viewing.
  • Featured posts widget: This widget is at the end of every page where is shows the featured posts so that users can access to the posts directly

Google Analytics

Site Map


Tidio Chat


By Sahithi

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